Take the Time to Eat and Read this Week

Last Updated on June 7, 2023

The Recipe for Happiness is to be Mindful of What You Consume

If you’re like me, you may eat on the run, and reading a book might be something you want to do but don’t prioritise. We should rethink both of these things, and perhaps slow down. We can’t always be on afterburner. It’s Monday after all – a new week!

I’ve written about reading and cooking before. Often. Fighting the Home Office Blues and improving our physical and mental state with a few cooking tips, for instance.

Cooking is not only good for our physical health. A 2018 study published in Harvard Health noted that “A growing body of scientific evidence supports teaching patients how to cook meals at home as an effective medical intervention for improving diet quality, weight loss, and diabetes prevention.”

Then there was Why Print is Important in Our Digital Age, which is a reminder that if we read books – actual books – we’ll probably live longer.

A 2016 study at Yale University discovered that people who read books—fiction or nonfiction — for as little as 30 minutes a day over several years were living an average of two years longer than people who didn’t read anything at all. 

If the prospect of living longer doesn’t inspire you to delve into new content, and cook for yourself, then at least do it for your social media content. It’s easier than you think.

Walnut Anisette Biscotti Recipe

350 Fahrenheit / 175 Celsius
25–30 minutes bake time.
30 to 40 minutes of drying time.
Makes about two dozen depending on the size the dough is rolled, and the biscotti are cut.

I’m sharing this recipe because if we are to change our mindset, we’re going to need to start with a strong coffee and some sugar. We can enjoy our book while eating biscotti. There – we’ve already started down the road to a longer, healthier life.

This recipe and many more can be found in my second novel “Not Now, Katrin”.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • + 125 grams of butter
  • + 125 grams of sugar
  • + 450 grams flour
  • + 1 tsp. baking powder
  • + 3 eggs
  • + sprinkling of anisette seeds – not anis powder
  • + handful of walnuts (or almonds, or hazelnuts – your preference)

Recipe Method:

  • + beat butter and sugar together until fluffy
  • + add eggs, continue to beat until fluffy
  • + mix the flour and baking powder together
  • + add all remaining ingredients together now
  • + separate the mass into two parts, rolling them into two flat, loaf shapes
  • + bake 25 to 30 minutes, remove from oven and slice diagonally into about 30 biscotti
  • + turn off the heat, and lay the biscotti on a rack in the oven to dry 30 to 40 minutes
  • + the oven should not be on, but the fan should be going. Keep the door slightly open!

Enjoy! Let me know how these work out for you, and what book you decide to read. I’m over on Twitter.

With thanks for the image to: https://unsplash.com/@jonathanpielmayer