DigiBlogChat: Nonprofits and GivingTuesday

Last Updated on October 4, 2024

Nonprofits and GivingTuesday

Carol Stephan invited Bridget Willard and I to participate in her Twitter #DigiBlogChat on Tuesday, November 2nd. Pretty exciting! It’s now the second time I’ve done this. The topic was Giving – especially GivingTuesday with questions by Carol, Bridget, and myself.

More information about the event can be found on Carol’s website: https://yoursocialmediaworks.com/digiblogchat-questions-november-2-2021-giving-tuesday

Carol’s partner for these chats is @LazBlazter. If you want to know how to participate each Tuesday, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat. If you are interested in hosting your own TwitterChat, Sprout Social has you covered with a great post.

Bridget Willard and I wrote our second book in our Online Marketing series especially for Nonprofit workers. The topic of Giving and GivingTuesday are especially dear to us. Are you working in this field? Please, check it out. We think our book will really assist you!

Find out more about GivingTuesday on their website: https://www.givingtuesday.org

We have a “40 days to Giving Tuesday worksheet” for you too. Yes, it came out a little while ago – but it’s still a great tool! It gives you all the tasks to do from October 1st to November 30th, 2021, which is GivingTuesday this year. Just click here: http://bit.ly/40DaysGivingTuesday It will ask you to copy this to your Google Drive folder so be sure you’re logged in. Thank you so much for the free worksheet Bridget!

Nonprofits Benefit From Everyone’s Donations of Time and Money

Giving day is only one way to lend support throughout the year


Jim Katzaman wrote a great article about our DigiBlogChat – I hope you have the time to read it! Jim also wrote an article last year about Giving (at the end of this page) which is also worth your time.

Giving and GivingTuesday Questions #DigiBlogChat Nov. 2, 2021

Q1. Do you donate to nonprofits on #GivingTuesday? Why or why not? 

A1 You know, I don’t especially focus on one day. I give throughout the year. I’ve been made aware of this day in the last year working on the Nonprofit book together with @BridgetWillard though! #DigiBlogChat

Q2. How do you decide to donate on #GivingTuesday?

A2 I’m going to look for local Nonprofits I think. Especially education. This is my biggest area of work and I see enormous need there. #DigiBlogChat

Q3. What would make you donate to an unknown nonprofit on #GivingTuesday

A3 I don’t think the day makes much of a difference to me. When I see something or am asked to support an event or cause I usually do. #DigiBlogChat

Q4. Would you donate to a campaign you see online on #GivingTuesday? Why or why not? 

A4 If the cause or event is a good one, sure! I still prefer the year-round giving though. #DigiBlogChat

Q5. Do you have a yearly budget for online donations? When do you tend to spend it? 

A5 I don’t have a budget, no. I give where and when necessary. I don’t think I give more or less during November or December. #DigiBlogChat

Q6. Have you worked with a nonprofit to help their #GivingTuesday campaigns? If so, what was that like? 

A6 No. Fail! I should do this! #DigiBlogChat

Q7. What do you wish nonprofits did better on #GivingTuesday?

A7 It might be interesting to make it a monthly event. Once a month, donate to your favourite charities. Make it a yearly thing. Set up 12 different donations to happen once a month on a Tuesday. #DigiBlogChat

Q8. What nonprofit do you want us all to check out?

A8 I like www.globalgiving.org The website allows you to find, in my case, interesting education projects you can donate to. I do prefer to donate locally though, to schools and their events. #DigiBlogChat

Q9. What’s the most interesting nonprofit online marketing you’ve seen?

A9 Hmm. Good question. I like www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child. They have great videos I’ve seen on YouTube. #DigiBlogChat

Q10. If you don’t donate financially to a nonprofit, what other ways could you give?

A10 I give time more than money. Volunteering your skills and time goes a long way. Money often disappears in operating costs and salaries. Time goes straight to the people needing your help. #DigiBlogChat

Giving makes a big difference for those who need it the most

Nonprofits and charities alike need support throughout the year


Another great article by Jim Katzaman

WIth thanks to Joel Muniz and Unsplash for the photo https://unsplash.com/@jmuniz