Looking for SEO Tips and Which Hotel Has the Best Cookies? We Have You Covered!

Last Updated on May 22, 2023

6 SEO tips and some cool SEO takeaways

6 SEO Tips this week from Bridget Willard and myself. We are both more than ADHD and so we started talking about which hotel has the best cookies. Bridget also talked about funerals. What can I say? SEO is both on-page and off-page! Read on and check out the video – here or on YouTube.

So we were just talking before the camera crew geared up about some cool SEO takeaways that we had from clients over the last few days. But first, we were talking about nearing the halfway point of the edits for our next book which is coming out in December. This one is to help schools with their Online Marketing. You can check out the other two books in the series right here. I spent a lot of my time working for educational clients, and I still am. I can’t wait to have the book come out in December!

SEO is Just One Part of Your Online Marketing

We’ve written our books for the decision-makers, so they’re educated enough to hire the right person in their marketing department. Or, so they don’t get bamboozled by an agency as we encounter. People like us who are practitioners and more – like we get in there and roll up our sleeves and do the dirty work.

We want you to be educated enough to understand what you should have. Like SEO is search. It’s just optimizing how you appear in search. It’s not helping you get found by all the other things. Social media, Twitter, Linked In, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Google my business, which is basically free real estate on the search page. And then continuously posting on your website even once a month is better than zero because it’s that cadence that tells Google that you’re still in business.

Why You Should Keep Your Content Fresh and, on the Move, (Share it)

Static content? I mean, we don’t even have static content in our bricks-and-mortar stores. We don’t put the spring clothes on the mannequins and the front window and leave them there. We put the fall clothes on, the summer clothes, and maybe we move them around to the other window and bring in a new fashion. Content is always moving.

And you have that salesperson to say, hey, did you know that the new color is blah, blah, blah? Did you see so-and-so wearing this and such? Well, you can have that kind of conversation about keeping up with those trends. And that salesperson is on your website, it’s a blog post.

Let’s Talk More About SEO with These 6 Tips!

We’re harping on about SEO all the time, but if people can’t find you then, well, everything else that you spend time doing is pretty much irrelevant.

SEO TIP 1 Understand Why

You need to understand, as granular as you can, what people want, and why they want it. Are you trying to optimize for hamburgers? Then what type of hamburger. Frozen? To go? Cheeseburger? With fries or without? Are people looking for recipes? Do they want a grill? Are they looking for hamburger jokes? If you do not know the “why” you do not have any power. Remember Matrix? They were talking about SEO.

Think it out in a sentence – that’s your long-tail keyword task. “The best cheeseburgers in Atlanta”. “Organic frozen hamburger patties in boxes of 12”.

Short tail keywords get you no clicks unless you are lucky enough to have that happen via an ad. And that will be very expensive indeed. Short tail keywords are search terms that are made up of no more than three words. They refer to very broad topics rather than specific ones. For example, “hamburgers” is an example of a short tail keyword while “best hamburgers in San Antonio” is an example of a long tail keyword.

SEO TIP 2 Understand What and How

You need to understand what terms people will use when looking for things. And how. The “what” and the “why” are very closely connected. “How” is the next thing. Are they using a mobile phone? Desktop? Are they in the car? On a train? In a boat or a plane? Is it dark? Raining? How many bags of groceries or kids are they juggling? Context is very important.

If I look on my phone for “music concerts October 22”, then Google will show me local events. If I try that on my desktop, I will get events from further away. Why? Context. Google knows mobile means a local search, and a more immediate one because I am mobile. We use our desktop for more generic searches. We are the Flanuer (link below) of the internet on our desktop. On our phone we are more … rabid.

SEO Tip 3 Use Search Ads

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Optimize for on-page SEO, on your website. Optimize for off-page SEO, via social media and your blog posts. Optimize your website for technical SEO. In addition, use Google Ads. When you look for something on Google, you may see the ads and that is going to remind you of a brand – or it’s going to get something else in your mind – something you hadn’t thought of before. Like the Embassy Suites in Niagara Falls.

I was looking for information about cookies, organic search information. And the answer was number two, which was an ad. So there you go. Now I know I’ve got Embassy Suites in my head. I didn’t click on the ad. They didn’t pay for that. But now I’m going to be thinking about them. And I just told everyone about them, so you all have them in your head.

SEO Tip 4 Google my Business

Claim your business on Google My Business. It’s free. Business dot, google.com. If you’re not claiming that, then you are not going to be found when people are on their phone and Google maps or saying or typing in “near me” in their browser. You can see my free GMB website right here.

SEO Tip 5 Social Media

You need to be on Social Media. Period. Start with Twitter. Your tweets are actually indexed by Google. It’s tactical. The internet is the room the party is being held in. People are talking about hamburgers on Facebook, cookies on LinkedIn, and your product on Twitter. Go to that part of the room. Listen. Then write something about that and related to your services.

SEO Tip 6 Blogging

You need to have blog posts. Remember the web is a spider web. It’s all these little things that are connecting. It’s a network, right? So, it’s just like neuroplasticity with your brain. The more you learn, the more neurons and connections you make in your brain, which is like freeways or infrastructure. The more you can learn, it’s the same way with the internet. It may be crowded, but there’s still room for growth.

Did We Say Blogging is Content Marketing? Oh, Yes, We Just Did.

If you have blog posts, you can share those on social media. You can share them on your Facebook page. You can share them on LinkedIn. You can share them on Twitter. You can also email them out in your email marketing. When somebody asks you a question, you can send them a link to that blog post because you wrote it based upon frequently asked questions. And if you’re not sure what to write about, you can install the free version of Launch with Words that comes with 12 blog prompts.

BONUS TIP! Google Ads Support Your SEO and the Best Hotel Cookies

The last time I was at an American hotel was in Niagara Falls and they had these really big American beds with like six comforters and 37 pillows. And it’s just all Americana and all the people working there had big, strong teeth because they’re raised with milk and steak and everything. And they were all big healthy people. And they gave you big, complimentary cookies. And the cookies were almost as big as my head! It’s like, wow, American hotels, big cookies, huge beds. I was scared I was going to fall out of it and break my neck.

Now, I could just Google that. Niagara Falls hotels in Niagara Falls, there we go. Okay. It was an Embassy Suites hotel. See, look at that. It was number two in the listing. It was a Google ad by the way. I didn’t make it to the organic results.

So, What’s with the Cookies? EAT – Expertise, Authority, Trust

E.A.T. is an abbreviation that in the SEO world generally stands for the trustworthiness and respectability of a website. The abbreviation stands for Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness.

Why is E.A.T. important for Google?

The Google algorithm cannot distinguish whether a text is a technical article or a normal text on an important topic. Therefore, the crawlers now pay attention to important signals that help the search engine to distinguish high-quality professional content from unprofessional contributions. Content should also be Helpful.

Read more on the ahrefs blog: https://ahrefs.com/blog/eat-seo

Got Milk for Those Cookies? How About Questions?

If you have any questions, please let us know. Reach out to us. We love answering questions. You don’t even have to Google them. You can just send us an email below!