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(Understanding) Digital (as Part of a Complete) Strategy

    Last Updated on February 18, 2024

    Digital Strategy 101

    Far back in 2009, it was predicted that internet advertising – just one small part of a digital strategy – would overtake TV advertising by 2010. This was inaccurate – as internet ad spend outstripped TV ad spend a good three months before the end of 2009. Most companies now spend much more on online advertising than on TV. (See projections for 2020

    Digital is clearly still the fastest growing area of marketing, customer retention and engagement. Inevitably, digital channels and engagement through digital channels are now not only an expected part of audience experience when connecting with a brand – they are often at the core of an audience member’s engagement with a brand.

    Audience expectation has increased to such a level when considering brand engagement that:

    • + it is no longer acceptable for a brand to wait for the audience to visit
    • + brands must actively communicate to prosper
    • + positive engagement snowballs, arrogance creates stagnancy

    What do we mean by Digital?

    In short, digital is about finding the best way of achieving goals, promoting your brand and services, through electronic connected media. This could be online via a website, through specialist Internet applications (such as social media, email or video), or through mobile phone applications.  Digital consultancy can also tie into traditional media outlets.

    Digital can also be used to extend the process into your brand’s inner workings; improving workflow, gaining direct audience insight through greater transparency and movement of the underlying data. Digital can assist your processes become more sustainable too.

    An Emotive definition

    Digital is the great equaliser and relationship builder. People by their very nature are communicative and inquisitive – that’s why we love social media – and digital channels allow your company to interact with your audience on both levels. The level of involvement required by the audience to engage with us, in many cases a simple click of the mouse, shrinks the gulf between interaction and offline brand perception.

    The greatest benefit of digital lies in its ability to forge individual relationships with your audience. Unlike any other broadcast medium, digital channels allow direct engagement with each member of your audience.

    Definition by difference

    Digital offers brands new opportunities that traditional methods cannot easily match:

    • + Digital should be cost efficient and sustainable
    • + Digital can be broadcast and personalised
    • + Digital should always prove returns
    • + Digital can be reactive as well as proactive

    Digital is Industry changing

    Digital offers us new and unique ways of engaging with your audiences to a far higher level than has been previously possible.  Well-conceived digital strategies and campaigns will push your company ever forward in the consciousness of your and lead to lasting adoption, advocacy and, over time, increase expectation from industries as a whole. From an audience perspective, digital allows the model to change from being a monologue to a dialogue.

    You can read more about Digital Strategies here: