Got Webflow? A Shout Out for WordPress
What is this WordPress CMS anyway? Here is the elevator version. Haberdashery, Sporting Goods, Children’s Wear … going up!
// Digital Consulting
What is this WordPress CMS anyway? Here is the elevator version. Haberdashery, Sporting Goods, Children’s Wear … going up!
More weekly insights from marketing practitioners who work with small businesses, non-profits, and schools, with some real hands-on advice!
Building things, allows us to think about them. Thinking about things, allows us to understand them. It can save us money, give us a sense of gratification and value, and it can also give us another perspective on what others do.
CERN announced, on 30 April 1993, that the World Wide Web would be free to use for anyone. Free is a relative term. The Internet has been valued at around 1 Trillion dollars a year. By most standards, a Trillion dollars is a bit north of “Free”.
No matter how many websites you build, each one is different. Sticking to a script is not half as interesting as letting WordPress tell it’s own story, which is invariably what it does in each new website.
Will GDPR change anything? Probably not for small websites. Most laws are there to make us feel safer, rather than actually making us safer.
How you will build your brand and your market through Social Media, your Online Shop requires special considerations all its own.
While we are Drupal and to some extent Wordpress people, we don’t think a website always needs a CMS behind it though. Again, “it depends”
Drupal is mobile friendly. Very friendly. And that is good so as who carries a desktop around with them any more?
Creating a plan for your website ensures nothing gets left out. Think about who the website is for, and what they will use it for.
Does your website need a CMS – a Content Management System – like WordPress or Drupal? That depends on a few things. Read this post for more information.
“Free” is not usually a word you think of when planning a website, but it is not a dream. Open Source CMS are free CMS.