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Website Tech – Turning Your Designs into Working Websites!

If you’re not as tech literate as you’d like, that’s okay. Communication, online or offline, is not a contest. We can’t all be Techies. Participate. Try. Fail. Learn. Try again. Succeed! In these posts you will find AI, HTML, Content Management Systems, sitemaps, Google Fonts, and more! Computers are an integral part of your online marketing. Get onboard – HTML is free, Javascript is free, PHP is free, WordPress and Drupal are free …

WordPress and the Rise of Full Site Editing

    WordPress is perfect whether you are a beginner or a professional. Use it for your cat’s blog or your online shop. With the Full Site Editor you can design in WordPress even easier!

    Marketing Hygiene keeping our desktop clean image

    Why Marketing Hygiene is so Important to Your Clients and Your Processes

      Marketing Hygiene is the process of maintaining the freshness and function of your marketing tools, processes, and strategies to preserve the overall health and wellbeing of your business.

      Your Online Marketing Hygiene includes your Social Media, Website, Online Shop, Email, Search, and Controlling assets and tactics.

      3rd Party Cookies crumbling? Cookie Image

      Are Cookies Going Away in 2023?

        Google announced that it will phase out 3rd party cookies in the Chrome browser. It also does not plan to build any similar tracking devices. Their plan is for this to happen in 2023. This change will affect anyone advertising with Google Ads, as 3rd party cookies are important for retargeting us when we move from one website to another. font image

        TechTalk #3 Using Google Fonts on Your Website

          Many of our website themes deliver fonts, icons, and other 3rd party material directly to our websites. This is easy and fast and something we don’t think about. This data is sometimes delivered unsecured, and over time it might become a lot of data, thus slowing down our websites. What can we do about that and why would we do it?

          2019/04 Quo Vadis WordPress

          Quo Vadis WordPress

            No matter how many websites you build, each one is different. Sticking to a script is not half as interesting as letting WordPress tell it’s own story, which is invariably what it does in each new website.

            2016/08 A Shout Out for Drupal

            A Shout Out for Drupal

              Drupal is mobile friendly. Very friendly. And that is good so as who carries a desktop around with them any more?

              2016/02 To Code Or Not To Code …

              To Code or Not to Code …

                Computers aren’t going away any time soon. You should know how to code – or at least write some HTML.