Medienkompetenz für Senioren foto by Metatdgt @ pexels

Grandparents Can Code Too

The Internet and digital technologies are becoming increasingly important in more and more areas of everyday life. How can we ensure the participation of older members of society in the current digital transformation? For everyone to benefit from these technologies, it will take more than the ability to download apps to smartphones or transfer money via online banking.

VHS Smarte Senioren Dozent Warren Laine-Naida

Digitale Kompetenz für Smarte Senioren

Menschen haben immer Technologie genützt zu Problemlösung – ältere Menschen sollten davon nicht ausgeschlossen sein. Senioren möchte auch mitreden, mitmachen. Aktive Mitgestaltung der Gesellschaft sollte für alle möglich sein. Medienkompetenz oder Digitalkompetenz ist dafür eine Voraussetzung.

eCommerce is Not an Online Shop

eCommerce is Not an Online Shop

An important characteristic of eCommerce is that it is not really a distinct sector. When we talk about eCommerce, the concept that usually comes to mind is of course online shopping. eCommerce means enabling all of an organisation’s operations. It is not enough to just set up an online shop.

2017/04 The Ghost In The Design

The Ghost in the Design

That first step is the most important: acknowledging and embracing unpredictability. That is the driving force behind resilient web design.