EZ Website Optimization for Small Businesses and Nonprofits

Maximize your website’s potential! Learn how to drive more traffic, improve user experience, and boost conversions.

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Making Your Website Accessible for Everyone

Accessibility means creating websites so people can use them without restriction. It is an important part of sustainable, hygienic marketing.

Warren Laine-Naida SEO first page of Google Cheese store window photo

How To Get On To The First Page of Google and Other Things We Want But Don’t Need

I swore I wouldn’t write another SEO post for a while, but it isn’t working. Obviously. I have my SEO class to teach, there’s a 1 euro SEO ebook coming out this summer (200 pages for a euro – pretty cool), then there are the articles I write for clients which while not exactly SEO tasks need to be found and engaged with, so are on the cusp of SEO.

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TechTalk #3 Using Google Fonts on Your Website

Many of our website themes deliver fonts, icons, and other 3rd party material directly to our websites. This is easy and fast and something we don’t think about. This data is sometimes delivered unsecured, and over time it might become a lot of data, thus slowing down our websites. What can we do about that and why would we do it?

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Tracking Your Goals and Other Reasons Why You Need to Include a Data Analytics Tool in Your Website

There is the “Aha moment” when we stand back and ask questions about everything we do. How did that work? Are we doing the right thing? Analytics and tracking allow us to capture the impact of what we are doing on our website, social media, and advertising. It gives us the chance to measure our success or failure so that we can optimise our efforts.

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#ChampsTalk Twitter chat session Topic: Let’s Talk About Google Core Web Vitals

I was invited by Social Champ to talk about Google Core Web Vitals, and it was a great Twitter hour. Thank you, guys! There were a lot of good questions, and the community on Social Champ are great. So what are the much talked about Google Core Web Vitals anyway?

Why online marketing is important for your school - Warren and Bridget talk. Graduation image.

Online Marketing is important not only for your business, or your nonprofit. It’s also important for your school.

How do you first generate interest in your school and the programs you’re offering? You make sure you’re well covered in social media. You make sure you’re well covered for search engine optimization. Once you’ve got people’s attention, they’re going to go onto your website.

5 free things ou can do to improve your website without an agency

The 5 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Website for Free

We want to help our friends who are small businesses, like navigating through the blah, blah, blah, big agencies and all of their jargon that makes them feel very expensive and important. Let’s talk about some of the things that small business owners can do right now, themselves without hiring a big SEO company!

The 3 most important things on your website

The 3 Most Important Things on Your Website

Welcome to a new series for Small Businesses, to help you with your Online Marketing! In this post, and video, Bridget Willard and I, are going to talk about the top three things small businesses, or anyone really, need to have on their website.

Voice Content and Voice Search August 2020

Voice Search: No Rest for the Wicked

Voice Search we understand – “Alexa, where can I find the closest florist?” “Siri, what’s playing at the cinema tonight?” Right? this we understand. Voice Content Marketing is that after three espressos. It’s not even very new. Two years ago they were taking about it. Is it yet a thing though? Not so much. But it will be.