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Medienkompetenz für Senioren foto by Metatdgt @ pexels

Grandparents Can Code Too

    The Internet and digital technologies are becoming increasingly important in more and more areas of everyday life. How can we ensure the participation of older members of society in the current digital transformation? For everyone to benefit from these technologies, it will take more than the ability to download apps to smartphones or transfer money via online banking.

    VHS Smarte Senioren Dozent Warren Laine-Naida

    Digitale Kompetenz für Smarte Senioren

      Menschen haben immer Technologie genützt zu Problemlösung – ältere Menschen sollten davon nicht ausgeschlossen sein. Senioren möchte auch mitreden, mitmachen. Aktive Mitgestaltung der Gesellschaft sollte für alle möglich sein. Medienkompetenz oder Digitalkompetenz ist dafür eine Voraussetzung.

      warren laine-naida blog post 11 2019 the internet is not free

      The Internet is Not Free

        CERN announced, on 30 April 1993, that the World Wide Web would be free to use for anyone. Free is a relative term. The Internet has been valued at around 1 Trillion dollars a year. By most standards, a Trillion dollars is a bit north of “Free”.

        foto by rawpixel

        Everyone Deserves a Good Website

          I googled “working for non-profits”, which many of my clients are, and I found results for 5 reasons, 8 reasons, 12 reasons, 19 reasons. I think there is 1 good reason to work for non-profits, small local businesses, and educational organisations.

          2016/06 What Is This Design Thinking Anyway?

          The Digital Cloud with a Silver Lining

            Digital Native or Digital Immigrant? Older employees positively contribute to a business, saving time and money. It really is a cloud with a silver lining.