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Digital Thinking: Websites, Online Marketing, and more

Digital Thinking is not a method or a technology. It’s a way of understanding our world. 

an image of Digital Thinking - a book by Warren Laine-Naida

​“Every small business should have this book and reference it. Read it, take notes, participate in the book.”

Bridget Willard 

Who is the Digital Thinking Book For?

Digital thinking book is for small business owners, educators, teachers, members of nonprofit organisations, and even those who run their operations from home. Do you want to learn more about who your audience is? Then this book is for you.

This book is available on Kindle or as a paperback. If you would like a signed copy, order from me directly. You may also order in bulk for your school or organisation. Es ist auch erhältlich in der Deutsche Ausgabe.

Is Your Online Marketing Working for You? It Should.

Are you looking to understand how digital literacy affects your marketing? If you don’t understand the big picture, your efforts will be wasted. This book digs into the strategic why of online marketing. It helps you understand where your customers are.

Think Digital! Understanding the digital literacy or level of competence of your audience will help shape your marketing strategy.

This isn’t another trendy “how-to” book; it’s a book to widen your perspective so that you can see where your customers are today and be where they are tomorrow

“There is plenty of valuable website and online marketing advice in here and I’m thankful that Warren took the time to share it with us.”

David Mayerlen

Digital Thinking with Rob Cairns September 2021

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You have the Digital Thinking book and would like the update?

Digital Thinking v2.0: Websites, Online Marketing, and Our Digital Flânerie is now available! Please click here for information on the 2022 publication.

Digital Thinking – Book Reviews

“Warren, being the prolific writer he is, brings his wealth of experience to us, the readers, with his book “Digital Thinking.” It’s more than just another marketing book stuffed with jargon that makes marketers feel superior like “customer journey,” “KPIs,” and the lot. Warren challenges us to think differently. What is it that we are trying to accomplish? His book isn’t really about digital marketing. No. It’s about marketing — period. Every small business should have this book and reference it. Read it, take notes, participate in the book. It’s not a book that you should binge. No, it should cause a change in the way you approach your small business — from finance to the front desk.” – Bridget Willard

“Yes, an enjoyable read, take away the word digital and you have a great book about thinking, with some timely, witty social commentary thrown in. I recommend reading the book in an analogue format as I have done, the font and size were perfect, no reading glasses required. Be mindful of how often you get the urge to divert your attention to something electronic. Take breaks to go for a walk, not to get online. There is plenty of valuable website and online marketing advice in here and I’m thankful that Warren took the time to share it with us.” – David Mayerlen

About the Author

I have worked in online communications and marketing since 1994, and have built more than 300 websites for customers around the globe. Digital Thinking: Websites, Online Marketing, and so much more is a result of the learnings I have taken away with me from those projects, and which I have been writing about on my blog since 2015. I hope they will be of use to you in understanding and working with any aspect of online communication.

SEO, Digital Transformation, Social Media, Digital Marketing, Drupal, WordPress, Email Marketing, Online Education, Digital Competence, Agile … Digital Thinking is not a method or a technology. It’s a way of understanding our world. 

What do we Mean by “Digital”?

Digital is about good communication – which includes online and offline tools and skills. Your digital presence is an extension of all the things you do everywhere.

“Digital” means different things to different people. Is “Digital” a website, an application, a service, your marketing, sales, education, or is it perhaps a way of thinking?

You could add „Digital“ to any of these terms to begin a relevant discussion: Inequality, Divides and Access – Privacy, and Surveillance – Politics, Subversion and Warfare – Identity, Community – Law, Ethics – Collectivism versus individualism – Femininity versus masculinity – Uncertainty avoidance – Long versus short-term orientation – Sex – Learning and Teaching …

The internet is about inclusion, not isolation. It is about bringing people together, not shutting them into bubbles. It is about good communication – which includes online and offline tools and skills. Your digital presence is an extension of all the things you do everywhere.

Digital is a way for you to make new connections and share with the world. It’s a foundational skill that you can apply to grow your business for years to come, no matter how quickly technology changes and trends rise and fall. If you’re not as tech literate as you’d like to be, that’s okay. Communication, online or offline, is not a contest.

Participate. Try. Fail. Try again. Just do it.

Photos copyright CBM Bremen 2020