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2017/10 Marketing Never Sleeps

Marketing Never Sleeps

    Be sure to “sell” your campuses value and remember that marketing doesn’t end, even once a student is enrolled.

    2017/07 I Click Therefore I am

    I Click Therefore I am

      Do we click on something because we really like it, or because it has been placed there because we will click on it?

      2017/04 The Ghost In The Design

      The Ghost in the Design

        That first step is the most important: acknowledging and embracing unpredictability. That is the driving force behind resilient web design.

        2017/02 Digital Culture 101

        Digital Culture 101

          Depending on your information bubble and reinforced via your peers how many people do you know who think differently?

          2017/01 A Real Game Changer

          A Real Game Changer

            So why are we still pushing people to make their websites “mobile first”? It would seem websites need to be mobile … period.

            2016/11 The Student In The Machine

            The Student in the Machine

              Google and social media analytics offer a free and immediate insight into how your online content is interacting with students.

              2016/04 The Client Worksheet

              The Client Worksheet

                Creating a plan for your website ensures nothing gets left out. Think about who the website is for, and what they will use it for.

                2016/01 Mobile First

                Mobile First Websites

                  Your website needs to be accessible. Regardless if someone is using a Tamogotchi or a 10,000 pixel wide Jumbtron.