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2017/10 Marketing Never Sleeps

Marketing Never Sleeps

    Be sure to “sell” your campuses value and remember that marketing doesn’t end, even once a student is enrolled.

    2016/11 The Student In The Machine

    The Student in the Machine

      Google and social media analytics offer a free and immediate insight into how your online content is interacting with students.

      2016/10 Click Me!

      Click Me!

        Are students seeing your ads? Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t, and sometimes they just might see them far too often.

        2016/09 The Prior Prior Year

        The Prior Prior Year

          The prior prior year policy offer many benefits to students and their families searching for the right college or university.

          2015/02 Understanding International Students

          Understanding International Students

            Hobsons released a report called Beyond the data: Influencing international student decision making. The report is based on Hobsons’ International Student Survey and provides important insights into how international students decide where they will go for study abroad.

            2015/01 The Promiscuous College Come-on …

            The Promiscuous College Come-ons …

              Not only are colleges marketing like crazy these days, but students are casting their nets ever wider in the number of applications they submit. The internet makes this easy.