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The Future of SEO and Emerging Technologies

    Last Updated on April 8, 2024

    Google & co. list more than 80 million articles discussing the future of SEO and the impact of emerging technologies like AI and Virtual Reality. That’s a lot of keyword competition!

    I tell my SEO classes that organic SEO (unpaid listings) as we know it will be dead very soon. Why? Probably 80% of what we search is informational – answers to questions. To get those answers you could ask someone, open a book, or even visit a library. A search machine is easier. Search machines are answering machines.

    I’ve noticed recently that I am turning to Google Gemini, Bing CoPilot, or even the legacy ChatGPT for more and more of my “what, why, and how” queries. I’m probably not alone. If this continues, the reason why we use search engines will change.

    Technologies change. Organic SEO will change. How will that impact your online marketing? Let’s explore some of the new technologies and how you can use them for your business.

    A Short Intro to SEO and Search Engines

    Search Engines like Google and Bing are constantly evolving. I remember Search in the last century. It was very different! They say that SEO is 50% marketing and 50% psychology. Initially, SEO just meant getting listed on Yahoo, Altavista, Lycos, or Ask Jeeves. Today, search engines include everything from your website to social media, online shops, and more.

    SEO was once very straightforward: a website with good content and a lot of keywords. If your competitor had 50 keywords, then you would use 75 keywords. Not everybody even had a website in 1998 when I started in this business, and SERP listings were counted in the thousands.

    How Do You Get Listed in Google and Bing?

    Search Engine Optimisation is whatever you do to improve the quality and quantity of website traffic from the search engine result pages (SERPs). In a nutshell, SEO means optimising your website so it can easily be understood by search engines.

    Search machines do four things: They discover your website (hopefully), crawl your website (if it is correctly coded), index your website (if it offers helpful content) and finally ranks your website (alongside others and when people search).

    Fun Fact: Search engines are under no obligation to find, crawl, index, or rank your website. It is up to you to give them a good reason to do so. You can make it easier for them by having a website that is useful, easy to understand, and that loads quickly on any device.

    “Unless the pages on your website are in this index, there’s absolutely zero chance of them showing up in Google’s search resultsIf Google still isn’t indexing some or all of the web pages, there’s probably a bigger issue so you need to run some checks.”

    Understanding the Importance of SEO

    SEO is not just about clicks. It’s really about being found: SEO Gets Your Website in Front of People.

    SEO is part of SEM – Search Engine Marketing. The other part is SEA – Search Engine Advertising (Google Ads for example).

    SEO targets unpaid traffic (organic results). SEA focuses on paid traffic (often called PPC results).

    Today, it’s said that Google has indexed almost half a trillion pages – and that’s only about 5% of what is assumed to be available. That’s a lot of competition. However, if you offer the solution to someone’s problem, but they have not heard of you, SEO gets your name in front of them. Read more about SEO in my blog.

    How SEO Dovetails with Your Online Marketing

    + If people can’t find you, they can’t buy anything from you

    + SEO matches the intent of people searching with the intent of your website

    + Your website can be found and used by customers while you are away

    + SEO improves the credibility and trust of your online brand

    + SEO is extremely cost-efficient (as in free, aside from the time you spend)

    Three of the best free, online, sources of SEO information are Moz, Semrush, and Search Engine Land. Visit them!

    Warren Laine-Naida and Bettina Heuser

    I wrote a book about SEO, and it’s prominent in my online marketing book series. Please check out these books for more ways you can optimise your websites for search engines.

    What Are Emerging Technologies, and How Do They Impact Your SEO?

    Emerging technologies refer to innovations that are currently in the early stages of development or adoption and have the potential to significantly impact various aspects of society, industry, or technology itself.

    Examples of emerging technologies include artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, blockchain technology, quantum computing, gene editing (e.g., CRISPR), 3D printing, Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), as well as renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind power.

    “One of the most exciting and promising technologies that is set to change the world is artificial intelligence (AI). Another emerging technology that is set to change the world is quantum computing.”

    1. Using AI for SEO

    While SEO may sound complex, after you have optimised a few pages and discovered keywords of interest to you and your audience, you will quickly get the hang of it.

    Artificial Intelligence is emerging as a helpful tool for small businesses. AI can also assist with SEO tasks, along with future trends like voice search and the metaverse.

    Keyword Research: Forget endless brainstorming. AI SEO tools can analyze vast amounts of data to suggest relevant keywords and search terms your target audience is using. This helps you create content that resonates and attracts organic traffic.

    Keyword research is an important part of SEO. Before you can research keywords, you need to understand who your audience is, why they want to buy your product, where they are, and how they will find you. One way to do that is to ask questions. Why? Because people search with questions.

    Here are two example prompts for AI that assist you with matching questions and keywords relevant to your audience.

    “Create a list of X popular search terms in Google related to <keyword> that are relevant to the <target group>”.

    “Create a list of X popular questions on the topic <keyword> that are relevant to the <target group>”.

    Content Optimization: AI can analyze your existing content to ensure it’s optimized for search engines. This might involve suggesting improvements to titles, identifying opportunities to incorporate related keywords, or even checking the content’s readability score.

    The WordPress SEO plugin Yoast offers AI assistance for help with your search snippet.
    The Hemingway Editor offers AI assistance to improve the readability of your content.

    Whether you’re using Alexa, Siri, or another personal assistant, people are increasingly searching with voice commands. Ensure that you have a local landing page for your business. That’s the Website link that appears in your Google Business Profile. The quality of that page is important for Local Search, as is the specific content found on your web page important for voice search.

    Here is a local example: If someone searches for a local service and your Google Business Profile appears, they will be looking for a local offer. They should get to a local landing page when they click on that Website link – not just your homepage.

    Here is a voice search example: If someone asks Alexa or Siri for advice on baking a pizza, a cooking website might structure its recipe content in a way that answers common voice search queries, such as: “How do I make homemade pizza dough?” or “What are the ingredients for a basic pizza sauce?”

    Why is a Landing Page important for your business? Find out more here.
    Don’t have a Google Business Profile yet? You can register for free here.
    Update: Google Business Profiles remove free website tool: More Info Here

    Other ways you optimise for Voice Search:

    Focus on Long-Tail Keywords: Conversational searches tend to be longer and more specific. We also talk in a much different way than we write. Think “what are some of the best online marketing strategies for freelance teachers of English?” instead of just searching “online marketing strategies”.

    Optimize for Local SEO: Since voice search often has local intent, ensure your Google Business Profile and Bing Places are up-to-date and optimized for relevant keywords.

    3. The Metaverse and SEO: A Glimpse into the Future

    The metaverse, a virtual world with interconnected experiences, is still evolving. While its impact on SEO is uncertain, here are some potential considerations:

    Focus on 3D Content: The metaverse might prioritize 3D experiences. Optimizing your website for this could involve creating 3D product tours or virtual experiences.

    Evolving Search Landscape: How people search for information in the metaverse might be completely different. Think about what people are trying to achieve, and how they might do that differently in a virtual world than on their desktop at home. SEO is all about content. Stay updated on search trends within these virtual spaces.

    “Just like marketers transitioned into optimizing to get found in search engines like Google, YouTube and Bing, it’s time to start analyzing how to get found in the metaverse.”

    4. Focus: XR – Extended Reality

    XR, which stands for Extended Reality, encompasses both Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). While not a direct ranking factor yet, XR has the potential to significantly impact marketing, sales, and by extension SEO.

    Enhancing User Experience: Search engines like Google prioritize user experience. XR features like 360° product views or AR furniture placement can keep users engaged on your site for longer, sending positive signals to search engines.

    Local SEO Boost: AR apps can leverage location data to overlay information about businesses on a user’s phone camera. This can be a game-changer for local SEO, increasing visibility for relevant searches.

    Evolving Search Queries: XR might lead to more complex search queries that involve spatial information or user actions. Optimizing your content for these types of searches could become important.

    Focus on Content Quality: While XR experiences are flashy, high-quality content like product descriptions and clear AR instructions are still crucial.

    Online stores like IKEA, lego, Sephora, Target, and many more are using XR in their apps and websites. This immersive experience encourages visitors to scroll through multiple pages, prolonging the website engagement, and ultimately reducing the bounce rate.

    “As per recent data, by 2024 there will be an estimated 1.7 billion mobile augmented reality (AR) user devices worldwide, a rise of 1.5 billion from the 200 million seen in 2015. In 2022, there will be an estimated 1.1 billion mobile AR user devices worldwide.”

    How to Adapt Your SEO Strategy to Emerging Tech

    The world of SEO is constantly evolving, but the basics haven’t really changed. And, even if you have an existing SEO strategy, no plans are carved in stone. Here is an opportunity to try something new. Regardless, staying “Search Engine Friendly” doesn’t mean fancy gimmicks. THe following list of tips worked as well in 1998 as they will in 2098:

    Focus on Quality, Helpful Content: Search engines prioritise content that’s genuinely informative and helpful to users. Instead of just stuffing keywords, create content that addresses your target audience’s pain points and establishes your brand as an authority.

    Embrace Accessibility: Accessibility means more than a mobile-friendly website. Ensure your website is accessible from any device, regardless of size. Your website should load quickly, and have a layout that’s easy to navigate for anyone, regardless of context.

    Think Local: If you have a brick-and-mortar store, local SEO is crucial. Claim and optimize your Google My Business profile, gather positive reviews, and ensure your business information is consistent across directories.

    Build Relationships: Earning backlinks (links from other websites to yours) is a strong SEO signal. Partner with complementary businesses or influencers to create guest posts or link exchanges. Be active and useful on social media, focus on high-quality, relevant content. Show up, and be a part of people’s solutions.

    Stay Informed: The SEO landscape can shift quickly. Stay updated on the latest trends by following SEO blogs or reputable industry publications. Learning is a lifelong pursuit. In fact, the best way to learn anything, is to teach it. Why not offer a free, online course on your website?

    Helpful SEO Tools & Resources

    By following these tips and utilizing helpful resources, small businesses can stay ahead of the curve and ensure their SEO strategy continues to drive traffic and leads.

    Summing It All Up

    The SEO landscape is constantly evolving. Tech comes and goes – as do all of the “hot tips”. Google and Bing are always updating their algorithms, which impacts how your website ranks. By staying informed about emerging trends, you’ll be ready for whatever the future brings.

    • Stay ahead of the curve: Knowing what’s coming lets you adjust your SEO strategy to keep your website visible.
    • Optimize for new opportunities: New technologies might offer better ways to reach your target audience or improve user experience, which search engines love.
    • Avoid getting left behind: Competitors who adapt to new tech might outrank you if you’re stuck in the old ways.

    Staying informed about SEO advancements helps ensure your website works effectively and keeps you competitive in the online marketplace.

    Do you have any questions? I would be happy to answer them!

    With thanks for the article image to Martin Sanchez